Top 7 Tips For Simpler WordPress Development
When businesses meet with web developers and learn more about the different platforms available to them, WordPress often comes to the forefront. Even the best web developers are well aware of the advantages that WordPress has to offer. However, there are also a number of myths surrounding WordPress. Some believe that the platform is “just for bloggers”.
Others would rather let web developers handle all of their most pertinent concerns. Meanwhile, those who neglect WordPress are missing out on a wide range of benefits. To get the most out of WordPress development, a business must be aware of the following tips, though.
1. Test All Changes Ahead of Time
Don’t make the mistake of making changes and implementing them on a live site before they have been tested. Development sites are key in this regard and app builders will always recommend having such a site handy. These sites keep businesses and bloggers alike from making a series of rather avoidable mistakes. The development site should exist as a carbon copy.
This lets the site runner know exactly what to expect once the changes finally go live. Plugin updates and new templates should always be handled on the development site first. A failure to test these changes ahead of time will lead to major problems down the line. This is why WordPress is such a widely recommended content management system.
2. Don’t Go Overboard With Plugins
WordPress is favored by many web developers because of the various plugins that it has to offer. There’s a massive range of plugins and they can make a site runner feel invincible. They add the sort of functionality that other platforms simply cannot match. However, it is important to be as judicious as possible when it comes to using them.
In other words: don’t go overboard and don’t add plugins for the mere sake of doing so. Are they going to help the site or are they being added for vanity purposes? This is a question that needs to be answered as honestly as possible for best results. Any site that is overly bloated by plugins will sink in organic search engine rankings.
3. Enhance Security
In order to keep a WordPress site safe, developers must make sure that they are doing everything in their power to enhance security. For starters, be sure to set a hard limit on the number of login attempts that can take place. This keeps hackers from being able to compromise the site by using password generating technology.
Those who do not set a limit are essentially allowing anyone to sit around and guess their password. Eventually, a truly determined party is going to get their hands on it. Use the plugins that allow these attempts to be capped.
4. Remember Your Objectives
Every WordPress site is going to have their own objectives to be concerned with. What is the plan for the site and how are you going to stick to it? This is one of the most commonly questions during WordPress web development and it is a very important one. Stick to the plan at all times.
The best WordPress sites do not try to be all things to all people. They are focused on the task at hand. If the goal is provide great content, every step should be geared towards that. If the goal is to offer a one stop shop that caters to a specific niche, the user experience must be prioritized.
5. Choosing The Right Images
Choosing the right images for a site is a cheat code of sorts. After all, no one is going to stay on a page that loads slowly because the images are not properly sized. Overly grainy images are also a massive turn off to the browser. The images must remain crystal clear at all times.
Before the pictures are uploaded to WordPress, they will need to be compressed. This keeps them from being able to slow down loading times. Proper formatting is also crucial, as it keeps the photos from lacking detail.
6. Utilizing Widgets
Widgets are a key aspect of any successful WordPress web development project. These sidebars offer the chance to promote an Instagram page or direct browsers to Facebook. Playlists can be shared with widgets as well.
The footer and header may also benefit from widgets. The widgets that are available are going to vary based on the theme, which brings us directly to our final point.
7. Selecting The Best Theme
Web developers will always preach about the importance of choosing the correct theme, no matter what platform is being used. What is the theme’s compatibility with the browsers that will be utilized? Will the site runner be able to use the necessary plugins? What effect is the theme going to have on responsiveness?
These are all questions that must be answered in full before a theme can be chosen. Check the reviews and make sure that the theme is search engine optimized. Those who base their choices strictly on appearance are going to be left wanting over the long haul.
WordPress web development has never been easier and thanks to the aforementioned tips, businesses and app developers can come together to create an actionable plan for the future. This platform is equally effective for bloggers and eCommerce business owners alike. By taking the time to follow the expert advice provided in this guide, all of the common pitfalls are avoided.