List of Important Dos & Don’ts for Your PPC Landing Page
PPC landing pages are different than other landing pages and that’s the reason why most marketers find it difficult to design. So many technical experts have worked on it, but there are still queries with how it actually works. As PPC works on different factors and many people handling the same, websites conversion can get affected when the PPC landing page is not optimized or designed well to suit a specified goal.
The product development team may use the PPC landing page for its promotion. The customer service team would want to use the page for warranty plan. IT companies may use it for web templates. So, nothing is fixed as far as PPC landing page is concerned.
Generating leads, with a PPC landing page, becomes easier once you establish the right kind of relevance as it’s all about user engagement. However, there are many factors that affect the PPC landing page such as social proof, discounts, and other psychological factors. Thus, if you are designing a PPC landing page, then here are a few landing page dos and don’ts that you should adhere to.
List of Important Dos & Don’ts for Your PPC Landing Page
1. Put an Effort in Images and Design:
In a landing page, both the design and the image should complement each other. If you are using the landing page for selling a product, then it should have information and image of the product. This will help boosts user engagement. So, do use images that are relevant and keep the design/layout simple and clean.
2. Align the Headline, CTA and Offer:
Your landing page headline, call-to-action, and the offer should be aligned with your ad copy. If all these three factors aren’t aligned, it’ll cause loss of conversion on your website. So, follow similar principles as your ad copy and do focus on the user and talk about the outcome (benefit). You can also hire a copywriter for this purpose.
3. Make the Site Responsive and Valuable:
Advertising on non-responsive websites can get you results. But, for higher conversions having a responsive design is a must. Google even prefers sites that are mobile-friendly and optimized. Also, do make your web page or website valuable by offering informative content that resonates with your readers. Google scrutinizes the site and checks for the real value of reviews and comparisons. It also checks for filters and other trends so your page should be valuable.
4. Use Videos:
Showing the product in action can have a positive impact on the audience and on conversions. For this, you need to use a video. A video is the best way to describe an action through motion. It is also good for products that are hard to describe. However, this does not mean that you add videos on a random basis. You need to add the images and videos both and the video should have relevance to your landing page or product.
5. Use Disclaimers:
It’s important to use disclaimers if you are using a testimonial or claim. The disclaimer is your way of saying that the result may vary from one person to another, thus ensuring you are not making any false claim. Even Google prefers testimonials that use disclaimers. This will also increase your brand visibility and credibility of your website. Just make sure that your disclaimer is visible and readable.
6. Use Thank You Page and Stay Open to New Possibilities:
When you thank someone, it’s always a good feeling for that person. You need to use the same thing for your PPC landing page. Use a thank you page but not through a pop-up box. Create a thank you page that’ll add value to your site. You can also add links that you want to include in your landing page.
For effective PPC landing page, it’s important that you stay open to new possibilities. You can’t completely redo your site for elements and design. But, you can add new things that are relevant to the PPC page.
7. Make Sure Your Page Has a Trusted Certificate:
Do make use of trust seals and certificates when creating a landing page. The trusted site seals or certificates such as SSL or TLS ensure a buyer that the website is safe & secure and can be trusted. This is especially important for an eCommerce website, as a trust seal can sway the consumer or a prospective buyer to make a purchase.
1. Don’t Make False Claims:
Don’t make false claims or cross the moral lines. When you make false claims, it actually affects the credibility of your site. Also, Google doesn’t support claims that are irrelevant or not of any use. Don’t use images or claims that are banned. A claim like ‘losing 10kgs in one week,’ is generally disapproved by Google. So refrain from making false claims. Instead, keep your claims real as far as the PPC landing page is concerned.
2. Don’t Let Your Page Multitask:
A landing page is not for multiple jobs. Some websites create a landing page that can download a product, start a webinar and submit an email address. Instead, its good to create different landing pages for different tasks. Even if you have eight to ten different landing pages, it’ll benefit your website and PPC target. You can also design different landing pages according to your products.
3. Don’t Include Distractions:
Distractions like links in navigation bars, sidebars and footers can always cause a problem in PPC landing page as it distracts the visitor from the main goal. Thus, refrain from adding unnecessary elements and links. Even search bars and links to social media can be a distractions for your landing page. So, don’t include irrelevant links, images and other distractions as that’ll drive away the prospect from the conversion path.
4. Don’t Ignore the Tracking Pixels:
Don’t ignore the tracking pixels that are required to build a good audience base for your PPC landing page. If you don’t have tracking pixels on the landing page, you’ll not be able to determine how successful your PPC campaign is. So, make sure that you don’t miss out on this element. Also, make separate pages for target ads, so you can get an accurate picture of various metrics such as page views, click-through-rate, conversion rate, etc.
Final Thoughts
Creating a perfect landing page for your PPC campaign becomes easy once you know what key elements you need to incorporate into it. It’s important to focus on the PPC landing page of your site for greater conversion. Optimizing your website for mobile and paying heed to the design is also important. Your target should be converting a user into a potential customer. So, do follow these basic do’s and don’ts if you want to build an effective & profitable PPC landing page for your website.