Essential Elements That Your Photography WordPress Blog Should Include
WordPress is one of the most used content managers because it is versatile. You can create a wide variety of websites as well as online portfolios. You can also create blogs and since you have access to a control panel where you have a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to organize your entries, it is quite useful and practical.
If you have decided to create a blog using WordPress and your main subject is photography, then here are the elements that your WordPress blog should have.
Brief author biography
If you are creating a blog not only to talk about one of your biggest passions but also as an online promotion mode, then it is essential that you include a short biography. You can highlight some important project in which you have participated, but it is preferable that the biography is fun and accentuates some unique features of your personality. This way, your visitors will feel closer to you and they will be able to know you beyond your professional profile.
It may be important for potential clients to have access to your curriculum vitae. You could place a link to a particular page of your blog that contains additional information about your studies and your work experience. You can also use a link to your professional LinkedIn profile for those who are interested. But in general, your biography should reflect you more as a person than as a professional photographer. You should find a balance between both parts of your life.
Quality photographs
Although a blog is usually related to written content such as articles, analysis, news, opinions, etc. Since you are a photographer, it is obvious that much of the content of your blog will be visual. You can keep a series of topics that interest you and include many personal projects that you have done for fun. This way, you have new content in your blog and your followers can know you more.
Apart from including photographs, you can add tutorials. It is likely that as designers, you are familiar with programs such as Lightroom or Photoshop. You can contribute to the community by offering free tutorials and resources for your readers. It could be a good strategy to gain followers and subscribers.
Remember to choose a WordPress theme that really promotes and highlights the use of photographs in your blog, as well as using different types of input that can optimize the presentation of your photos as Gallery. You can also search for plugins that offer advanced features to better showcase your photos.
Price list
Although putting a fixed price can be complicated since each project is different and certain peculiarities could result in an increase in its cost. However, you can place referential prices on certain projects, either by the number of photographs or duration of the photo shoot. In this case, it is important that you mention that the prices are referential, as well as some of the factors that may influence the increase in price.
Placing prices give a certain air of professionalism and potential clients will have an idea of their budget if they want to hire you. This will increase the trust that visitors and followers have for you.
Contact page
The contact page is usually a common element in every website. Although in a blog, you may not see any reason for you to have a contact page. A blog that constantly publishes quality contents is more likely to have more visitors than any other website. For this reason, adding a blog section and updating it is a strategy that many companies use today.
Not only the people who are interested in your photographs or tutorials you publish will visit your site, but also potential customers. If they are not looking for a photographer at that moment, they may subscribe to your blog and keep it as a reference if at some point they need to hire a photographer for a project.
Adding a form on your blog is the best option to facilitate the sending of messages to people interested in your work. It is preferable to place a form to only offer the contact data as potential customers can contact you without having to enter your email account and write a new message. The best thing is that you can incorporate a contact form easily using WordPress plugins.
Links to social networks
Placing buttons on social networks is essential to promote yourself. In this way, your visitors can share any content they find interesting. You have the opportunity to reach a greater number of people by placing buttons that facilitate the process of sharing on social networks for your visitors.
Apart from the buttons that will enable your visitors to share the contents that interest them most, you should be active as a photographer on social media whether it is Instagram, Flickr, and Facebook. In this way, people who have enough interest in your work will decide to follow you on social networks and see what other publications you share.
Finally, do not forget to integrate social networks into your blog. In the sidebar of a blog and in the footer, there are areas where you can easily add interesting widgets that allow your visitors to see your latest photos on Instagram, your posts on Twitter or Facebook, etc. Just make sure you choose the social network where you are most active.
As you see, it is not only about publishing new content on your blog, but also offering certain features that allow your visitors to know more about you, as well as promote yourself online. While the content of your WordPress blog is important, it is also essential to promote yourself online and involve in marketing actions. For this to work, your blog must have a good design as well as certain functions that facilitate some tasks for your visitors and users.